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Something new for Elar


Hey my fellow Elarians.

First, I would like to thank everyone for coming out for the BDSM discussion we had. I love both the support for the sim and the chance to share opinions with everyone. Just a heads up the next two weeks already have topics. Next Wednesday will be on "Formalities of BDSM, the who, what and why" and the following week were going to delve into the complexity and dynamics of relationships and all the different kinds that can be associated with a lifestyle. I'm calling it "Oh my! This is a relationship." I know it's cheeky but I thought it was cute. That one will be facilitated by the wonderful Sammy, She has already done one for us and did and amazing job.

OK, on to the next thing I would like to discuss with everyone. Roleplay. I know for some that is a naughty word that conjures of walls of text that most people don't even bother to read or being locked into a sim that you have to visit every night, or worse a sim that is empty that you can't find anyone to roleplay with. I don't want that in Elar, so, I have been considering what we could do for roleplay here. We have a few buildings that were built to facilitate roleplay in the sim, well, in fact the whole sim is really set up to be great for roleplay, but since were not a roleplay sim, it has never been used that way. So what can be done about it...

Well... after some thought, I figured maybe have a night of the week designated especially for roleplay. Nothing scripted, just basically inviting roleplayers to come to together one night a week and act like Elar is their home. I know I have roleplayers in the group, so let me know what you think in the comments below. For those that don't know, we have an apothecary, constable, clockworks, and print shop in the city. After tonight we should have a mayors office as well, or as some were calling me in jest last night...Gov'nr. Yeah I liked the sound of it too. I invite suggestions on how we can tie the community together in roleplay as well.

I will say that even though the sim is steampunk in design, I want the roleplay to also incorporate the idea of BDSM as well, so this will be a good chance to ramp up the more ceremonial side of BDSM as it reflects in the city. Remember the history of Elar speaks of a group of people that left civilization proper to practice BDSM in the open and I emphasize the word open :)

I do think this could be fun and another great reason to come over and visit Elar. Next post I will discuss....ok not sure yet, you will have to tune in for more of my wonderful ramblings....


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