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First Photo contest for Elar


Hey everyone, as you can see Elar has a nice Emporium, it's next to the new roof top gardens. Take a tour around the sim to check out all the new stuff we have added.

Well, after much deliberation, we have decided to make the Emporium into a photo gallery to showcase the outstanding photo talents of our wonderful Elarians. To celebrate the opening of the gallery, we are hosting a photo contest. The rules and info are listed below....

Isle of Elar photo contest....

**Contest Rules & FAQ**

1. Who is eligible to enter?

Anyone. The contest is open to anyone who would like to join. Only requirement is that you follow our rules and be a member of Dominant Elegance. Entering is free.

2. What is the contest time period?

The contest will commence on the March 15th, 2020 and run until April 15th, 2020

3. How will winners be notified?

Winners will be announced via notice in the Dominant Elegance group and contacted individually upon close of the contest. The winning pictures will be displayed in the Emporium upon completion of the contest. Additionally, we will be making a selection of noteworthy works to also be displayed in the Emporium. All artists with work displayed will be notified prior to the grand opening of the Gallery.

4. What are the prizes?

First Place: A gift certificate for a LumiPro

Second Place: 3,000 L$

Third Place: 1,500 L$

5. How will we determine the winners?

The winners will be chosen by an anonymous panel of five judges.

6. Where do the pictures need to be taken?

All pictures need to be taken on the Isle of Elar, including the inside of buildings to qualify for the contest. Submitted pictures that fail to comply fully with this will be disqualified. This is a great opportunity to explore the many unique places for photography throughout the city. All photos may contain nudity, but if clothed, the pictures must follow the rules of attire for the sim. This is a steampunk sim. Your photos should reflect that or our culture of BDSM. If you can do both, it will go a long way in originality for your photos.

7. May I rez things for the photos?

Yes, as always, visitors to the Isle of Elar may rez objects, but please remember to pick any items you rez.

8. May I use post editing for the photos?

Yes, you may use any software at your disposal as well as inworld lighting. Do not think that if you are not able to post edit the photos that you will automatically loose. We are looking at content as major criteria for the photos. We are choosing a total of 20 pictures to be displayed in the gallery.

9. How do I submit pictures?

All pictures will be submitted to the "Isle of Elar Photo Contest" Flickr group. We are allowing only four entries per contestant. Please add your Second Life name to the description section of the photo

Flickr group URL:

10. Help! I Don't have a Flickr account! What do I do?

Don't have a Flickr account? That's ok! It's free and easy to use. Follow the steps below to create a Flickr account. Please remember to join the Isle of Elar Photo contest Flickr group.

Registering for Flickr:

1. NAVIGATE to the Flickr home page:

2. CLICK ON the 'Sign Up' button in the upper right hand corner.

3. FILL OUT the registration information and follow verification steps.

11. I have a question not covered here.

Feel free to contact Shayn Mackenzie for any additional assistance you may need.

Thanks for hanging out with us and enjoy the contest. Next post will go a bit into our weekly discussions...



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