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I hope everyone is enjoying the changes to Elar


So this is not going to be a very long post. I just wanted to update everyone on the changes to Elar.

First, I decided to move the pony track to the sky to allow for more smoother races. I wanted to keep the overall feel of steampunk so used that aesthetic when designing the new track. I really hope everyone enjoys the new look. We took some time last night to do minor stress test of it and it worked pretty well. I feel confident on running races on Saturday. Thanks again for everyone that came out to help.

I will ask that anyone that goes to remove their huds and try to wear outfits that are not full of scripts. I have spent a bunch of time this week working on reducing sim lag and scripts overall. I have spent a week researching what causes lag in a sim. The major culprit is overloaded scripts. Their is a term on the statistic menu, which you can access by clicking cntrl>shift>1 at the same time, called "spare time" this is what is available to the sim after everything else is prioritized on the sim. When avatars show up on a sim with a ton of scripts it goes against the "script time." The more time used the less time is available for other things to happen on the sim. So, basically if your using all the sim resources to have a nice hair you can change, or a hud for your vagina or penis, there is not much left for races and such. So, again please take that stuff off when you get to the sim. Be considerate of those around you.

Second, I updated the area where the track was and built an airship dock. They really don't do anything besides look big and cool over in that corner of the sim. As, I have said, I want the sim to have a really nice immersive feel. The one thing to be on the look out over in that area is a mirror that will let you teleport to the track. You can use the one on the ship up at the track to teleport back down. So that is all the major changes to the sim. I have added little things here and there, but it's best to let people wander around to find those.

Last night was a ton of fun. I want to take a moment to again thank our wonderful lady facilitator last night, Sammy. She did a great job with the discussion. I have handled those quite a bit and it can get difficult when you have a bunch of people that want to share their feelings. I want to add that I am open to anyone else that might wish to take a topic for a run at our discussions. I will take next week, but please let me if anyone else has a topic to suggest or would like to facilitate a discussion.

Well, that is all for now my fellow Elarians. I will try to get out a weekly blog post. Oh, I almost forgot we have live singers coming up on the 10th of April, so keep your eyes out for notices.



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