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Well I did say things would continue this week. Last I posted, I had brought up the desire to have a pony girl cart race track in the city. For me, pony cart races would follow the BDSM culture idea I had for the sim. In short, the people that founded the sim left civilization to found a city where they could practice BDSM openly...ya just like the rules of the sim say. As I had said earlier, I had experience with Gorean cities and wanted an event similar to what they do with the gladiator type of fights, but didn't want to copy what was already in SL. I saw the cart race track on the marketplace and urikea I had my Saturday night event and plus...half naked girls was definitely a bonus for me. You know, Male Dom and all. I also didn't think my Female Dom friends would really care. I will say now. I won't be doing male ponies. Just no desire to see half naked males :)

The strange thing I have found is how elaborate the whole pony side of things is in SL. There are leagues and all. I don't intend to get involved in any of the leagues as I want to keep the event as simple as I can. I have gotten really good support from members who are in the leagues though and thank them for that. As we grow, I hope to expand the Saturday night races to some weekly challenges for those members that can't make Saturday night.

Ok so that explains a bit about why a pony track on Isle of Elar. I hope everyone comes down and enjoys it. They are Saturday Night at 7 pm SLT. Yeah it's a plug.... Next post...Why a Library and Maze....


Well, where to begin. Isle of Elar is up and running. Dominant Elegance also has a new home. I have had a great time bringing everything to life.

As to how it all started...

Well, I was wondering what to do with Bare Inhibitions as I felt that it was not being utilized as much I wished. I had tried starting with Dominant Elegance, but it was also not being used as much as I thought it should be. I have had some really good friends that have offered incite and assistance throughout the creation of the two clubs, but they just never became what I thought they should.

After much consideration, I decided with a some great input from Maggie, to start over once again. I knew that I wanted to get back to my roots with BDSM. At first I thought of rebuilding DE, but since it had not been the success I had hoped for, I decided to just build something that would give entertainment to the largest group of people. So, I thought something more than the club was needed.

We still had the tropical sim at the time which was mostly unused. I felt that more could come from the sim and since I had experience with city roleplay from my time in Gor, I thought what the hell; I would just build a city to spend time with my friends.

Well my city had to have BDSM of course, but what else.....

Looking around Second Life, I saw there was a lot of BDSM out there. Tons of communities and large places to enjoy BDSM. What I didn't find was someplace that had a feel of Steampunk and BDSM together. This was a light bulb moment for me! I would build a steampunk city with a culture of BDSM. I consider myself a pretty good builder and figured I would give a city build a try. I have built Gorean cities in the past and people have enjoyed those.

So after 4 months of building, I finished the city and thought "now what...." What can we do here...there was our game night we all enjoyed. I could bring back BDSM discussions, but what else.... It was the marketplace that gave me my next inspiration. I found the pony track all preset with what I needed to run my own pony cart races. So, now we have pony girl cart races as well. I will expand later on how I felt pony girl cart races fit the culture of the sim best.

Well, that is it for now...I know I am rambling, I will add more on a weekly bases.. At first though, I think you will see few initial posts as I try to get the what's and why's about the city itself and what I hope to achieve with it.

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